What is the best timing to bring your baby to the dentist for an exam? Yes, it is. The video highlights the reasons it is important to do this, lists some of the ways that your dentist may act, and provides tips about how to plan your appointment.
Your child should go to their first dental visit before the first tooth is seen or prior to the first birthday. It is crucial to make this appointment as dental cavities can form from the moment that their first tooth begins to appear. Dental professionals will check your child’s mouth to ensure an appropriate growth. Also, they will look for oral injuries, dental cavities, and other problems. If your child is experiencing difficulties with their teething or is engaged in excessive pacifier or thumb sucking using, be sure to talk about these issues with your dentist.
It is best to book your visit for a time that your child will be most willing to cooperate when planning. Don’t schedule appointments with the dentist during your child’s naptime. You may be able to submit paperwork before an appointment at certain dental clinics. Be sure the child’s name is included on the dental insurance plan. This info will assist you know the basics of dental appointments.